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City Of Ferndale

300 East Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI, 48220, US



Open in Ferndale: Co-Working Space Listing Request

Co-Working Spaces are a frequently-requested amenity in Ferndale. Such spaces within the City of Ferndale can be listed on this portal to provide standardized information for potential users of their space. Fill out this form to have your space listed.

All fields are required unless otherwise noted. Listings with expired/inaccurate info subject to removal without notice.

Space Address

Types of Spaces And Amenities Offered (check all that apply)

Code of Conduct: Organizations listed on Open in Ferndale must agree to abide by the Open in Ferndale Code of Conduct, as developed by the Ferndale CED and Communications Departments and posted on the Open in Ferndale website. Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in the removal of an Organization's listing without notice at the discretion of the CED and Communications Departments.