(248) 541-3650
Full Name
Date of Birth
Do you live, work, or attend religious services in Ferndale or do you reside within the Ferndale Public Schools District?
Are you at least 18 years old?
Are you able to attend each session in its entirety?
Are you a military veteran?
Have you had a recent negative police contact?
You will be notified by letter if you are chosen to attend the Academy. At which time you will be provided with further registration instructions.
In the event that all 20 participant spots are filled, a waiting list will be compiled and candidates will be considered for the next session. Academy sessions will be held each spring and fall if there is sufficient interest.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to attend you will be asked to submit to a basic background check in which your information will be used in a query for active warrants, active probation or parole status, and recent negative police contacts. A prior arrest record or police contact does NOT automatically disqualify a prospective attendee from participation in the Academy.