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City Of Ferndale

300 East Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI, 48220, US



Outdoor Seating and Sidewalk Cafes Application

Outdoor Seating and Sidewalk Cafe season runs from March 15 through November 15


F) Business Type

G) Please check the box you are applying.

H) Is the outdoor seating on private or public property?



D) A drawing or site plan showing the proposed layout of tables, chairs, railings, changes in sidewalk slope and any other obstructions to be placed or existing on the sidewalk or public right-of-way, showing not less than 5’ of unobstructed clearance to the sidewalk or public right-of-way, and showing not less than 3’ from a change in sidewalk slope. This Outdoor Sidewalk Café and Seating Plan must:

  • Cover the entire area between the curb and the building, including curb line and building wall.
  • Show all existing and proposed obstructions in the area, such as trees, tree grates, benches, parking meters, light posts, proposed railing location and seating plan.
  • Contain a seating plan identifying each table and chair.
  • Show an elevation of the railing design, including method of anchoring into the sidewalk.
  • Identify all doors, windows and other openings on the building wall.
  • Be dimensioned and drawn to an engineer’s scale.
  • If the outdoor seating or sales area is located in a parking area below grade, include the design and specifications of the raised platform required to be installed.

Click here to download a sample sidewalk cafe drawing.

UPLOAD: Outdoor Seating Sketch Plan

Click Here to Upload

NOTICE: All textiles and plastics (such as a tent or igloo) must have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and testing results compliant with the current IFC, NFPA, and Michigan Building codes; Approval subject to review by the City of Ferndale Fire Marshal and Building Official.

UPLOAD: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Click Here to Upload

E) Anticipated Installation Date

Date Picker


A) Outdoor Seating areas which will be serving alcohol in the Café or Outdoor Seating area the following must be attached to this application:

Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) Request for Outdoor Service. If your liquor license does not include an Outdoor Service permit you must submit a written request with diagram of proposed service area and $70 inspection fee to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. If all other licensing requirements are met, you will be issued a temporary sidewalk café license in order to obtain your MLCC Outdoor Service Permit, which must be uploaded prior to operating the outdoor seating area.

If you are enlarging your existing sidewalk café, you will need to apply to the MLCC with the Outdoor Service Application (LCC-204).

Upload MLCC Request for Outdoor Service or MLCC License Approval Documents.

Click Here to Upload

B) For all Outdoor Seating areas on public property, please attach the following to this application:

  • Certificate of Insurance documenting coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 for general and products liability and $100,000 for property damage. The City of Ferndale shall be named as “additional insured” on the Certificate, and the Certificate must be valid for the duration of the season, which is March 1 – November 15. The additional insured on the certificate of insurance must read as follows:
    • "To defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Ferndale, MI, its officials, officers, employees, and agents against any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, or expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the licensee, its employees, its subcontractors and anyone for whose acts or omissions they may be liable, arising out of the licensee’s use or occupancy of the public street, highway or public parking space. It is understood and agreed that by naming the City of Ferndale, MI as additional insured, coverage afforded is considered to be primary and any other insurance the certificate holder may have in effect shall be considered secondary and/or excess.”
  • Proof of identity with full-face photograph of applicant (a photocopy of applicant’s driver license is suitable to satisfy this requirement)
  • Cash performance bond in the amount of $200.

  • $200 Cash performance bond for all applicants (noted above)
  • Outdoor seating and sidewalk cafe on public property:
    • Review Fee of $100 for NEW or MODIFIED cafe applications
    • License Fees are calculated as follows:
      • $1.50/sq ft for alcohol establishments; $1/sq ft for non-alcohol establishments. A license fee is not required for outdoor seating or sales areas on private property.

Upload valid Insurance, Bond, Proof of Identity, and State of Michigan / Oakland County License documents.

Click Here to Upload

C) Is your outdoor seating proposal located along Woodward Avenue?

D) IF the proposed outdoor seating area is located along Woodward Avenue it is subject to additional requirements of the Michigan Department Of Transportation's (MDOT) Right of Way. The City will accept and review all applications but will not issue a permit without MDOT approval. 

Any enclosure requires approval from MDOT, which includes:

  • $90 administrative fee for first time submittals
  • $45 administrative fee for annual renewal
  • A detailed plan for the enclosure showing a minimum of 5' from the enclosure to any fixed object
  • Current insurance certificate in MDOT e-bond system 

Required documents are available here.

For any questions reach out to Hassan Alwan at

By signing here, I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application.

Applicant's Signature Here

Choose how to sign