300 East Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI, 48220, US
The City of Ferndale's Planned Unit Development (PUD) application is based on requirements in the zoning ordinance, Article XIII. Planned Unit Development (link). Applications and plans can be submit online via this form or at City Hall as a paper copy or via USB drive. CD copies of plans and applications will not be accepted.
Applicant Name
Applicant Address
Property Owner Name (if other than applicant)
Property Owner Address (if other than applicant)
Applicant-property owner authorization
The applicant must submit the following information with the application in accordance with Article 13 of the Zoning Ordinance:
Planned Unit Development
The applicant must provide written responses to demonstrate how the proposed PUD will meet the following criteria in the areas provided or on a separate sheet (Section 24-303 Qualifying Conditions):
4c. The PUD shall result in recognizable and substantial benefits to the city overall that would not be available under the existing, underlying zoning classification. The protection of the environment, general compatibility with adjacent land uses, availability of public facilities and services and the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. Write a short narrative describing why you meet each of the community benefits listed below. If you do not meet one of the benefits, write "N/A" in the appropriate section.
The applicant must provide written responses to demonstrate how the proposed PUD will meet the following criteria in the areas provided or on a separate sheet (Section 24-304 Qualifying Conditions):
The applicant must provide written responses to demonstrate how the proposed PUD will meet the following criteria in the areas provided or on a separate sheet (Section 24-305 Review Procedures):
Within six months of review of a preliminary PUD plan, a final PUD plan shall be submitted for review that includes the following:
The following checklist includes all documents required for the Community Development Director to declare the application complete and begin the PUD process. All items are due four (4) weeks prior to the Plan Commission meeting:
I do hereby swear that the information given herein is true and correct